We believe in—and practice—the use of Affirmative Prayer, also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment.  It is a powerful method for setting the Creative Process into motion. Our Prayer Practitioners, who comprise the Ministry of Prayer, use Affirmative Prayer when responding to every request.

The Ministry of Prayer is available to anyone and everyone. To enlist the help of our Prayer Practitioners for a challenge you may be facing, you may submit a prayer request online which will be sent to our Ministry of Prayer.

Our Licensed Prayer Practitioners will begin prayer for you immediately and continue for the next 30 days. All prayer requests are confidential.

Prayer Practitioners are also available in the Chapel following the Sunday service to do one-on-one prayer for you in person.  The online Prayer Practitioner is available for prayer by phone after the service. Phone numbers are shown each week on the screen.

Finally, you may directly contact one of our Prayer Practitioners (see directory of licensed practitioners) for a private spiritual counseling session. This is a professional service so there is a charge for their time and expertise.

Send Your Prayer Request

  • The Ministry of Prayer is supported by your love offerings.
  • Please prove you are human by selecting the Key.
  • Your Prayer Practitioners are delighted to reply to your request with an emailed prayer support letter within 3 days of your request. To help ensure your letter arrives in your in-box and not a spam file, please add this email address to your contacts list: [email protected].
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
“I live in the faith that there is a Presence and a Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine.  I know that this Presence is All knowing, All Power, and is always right where I am.” 

~Ernest Holmes~