In 2023, CSL Reno is calling us to “Living Out Loud!” by learning and living our principles and practices. Throughout the year, we will also be celebrating our 60th Anniversary! So whether we are “living out loud” or “celebrating,” we are fully engaged in living our best lives as we appreciate the infinite good our Center has accomplished in our 60 years.

December Theme: Celebrate the Season!

Are you looking for ways to be uplifted, inspired, and nurtured in your spiritual journey?

Now at 10:00 a.m., our Sunday Services offer an opportunity to connect, grow and ignite your spirit. We honor all paths to God and the Universal Truths found throughout world religions and the Science of Mind and Spirit. With world-class music and inspiring speakers, we dedicate Sunday mornings to exploring new ideas and learning practical, positive, powerful spiritual tools for a happier, healthier life.  All are welcome!

Please visit our Calendar of Events for details on our Sunday speakers, themes and musical guests.