Who Are They?

Elected at the Annual Membership meeting for two-year terms, the Board of Trustees consists of nine members who have met all the qualifications for serving in this capacity. The Senior Minister is also a voting member of the Board.

CLICK HERE To See Our Board of Trustees

What Are Their Guiding Principles?

The guiding principles of the Board of Trustees are FAITH, VISION, and INTEGRITY.  These principles are at the center of everything they do, every decision they make, and how they represent our Spiritual Center.  In addition to their fiscal responsibilities, their job is to support the Vision and Purpose of our Spiritual Center and to listen to the needs and concerns of the membership, and to act accordingly.

What Qualifies Them To Serve?

The members of the Board are the leaders of the Church. Nominees are recommended by a selection committee (and voted on by the membership) based on their background and success in their own businesses; they’ve been active, loyal and supporting members of Center for Spiritual Living, Reno for at least one year; they faithfully tithe and participate in our annual stewardship campaign; they have successfully completed Foundations Class. They are a visible presence in our Center.

What’s Their Commitment?

Being on the Board of Trustees means being an excellent steward of the Church, taking responsibility, making sound decisions, thinking creatively, listening, engaging in consistent spiritual practice, being a peacemaker, and giving their time, talent and treasure. It’s a big commitment and one that is invaluable to the Trustee, as well as to the growth and well-being of the Church. They are voted into a two-year term and may choose to run for an additional term.

What Are Their Intentions?

  • To invite Spirit’s highest possibility for our Spiritual Community to be revealed through them, and to act with faith and integrity in the fulfillment of the Vision.
  • To communicate with each other and members of our Spiritual Community with openness, honesty and respect.
  • To be impeccable with their word, refraining from gossip, complaints, accusations and third party reporting.
  • To do what they say they will do, and doing it with love and excellence.
  • To engage members of our Spiritual Community at every opportunity, involving them and calling on their skills, creativity and willingness; by recognizing that in order to grow, people want to feel involved.
  • To serve as the Leadership of our Spiritual Community in their thoughts, words, actions and presence.
  • To be grateful for the privilege of serving in this way–individually and as a governing body.  This is sacred and holy work.

How to Apply

Those who are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees and have met all the requirements may complete an application. The Selection Committee contacts applicants and sets up interviews in December or early January, and then carefully and conscientiously makes its recommendation to the Membership for election at the Annual Meeting at the beginning of each year.